Total Power Energy

Top 10 Electrical Hazards and How to Avoid Them

Top 10 Electrical Hazards and How to Avoid Them Electricity is essential in our daily lives, but it can be dangerous if not handled properly. Electrical hazards can cause fires, injuries, and even death. This guide will help you understand the top electrical hazards and how to prevent them, keeping your home and workplace safe. […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Electrical Installation Planning for Homes

A Comprehensive Guide to Electrical Installation Planning for Homes

A Comprehensive Guide to Electrical Installation Planning for Homes Written by Total Power Energy Team  Published: March 05, 2024 Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’re about to start on a home improvement project? Adding a new room or renovating an existing one, but you realize you’re clueless about electrical installations? You’re not […]

What Happens During a Home Electrical Inspection

What Happens During a Home Electrical Inspection

What Happens During a Home Electrical Inspection Written by Total Power Energy Team  Published: January 29, 2024 As homeowners, we often take the seamless functioning of our electrical system for granted.  However, Homes with a recent electrical inspection are 25% less likely to experience an electrical fire, highlighting the importance of regular check-ups on your home’s […]

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of LED Lights

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of LED Lights Written by Total Power Energy Team  Published: January 22, 2024 Have you ever switched on a light and thought about the technology behind it? LED ((Light Emitting Diodes) lights are everywhere, from our homes to streets, glowing efficiently in the background. Their rising popularity isn’t just a […]

The Ultimate Guide to Preventing Electrical Shock in the Kitchen

The Ultimate Guide to Preventing Electrical Shock in the Kitchen

The Ultimate Guide to Preventing Electrical Shock in the Kitchen 2024 Written by Total Power Energy Team  Published: January 14, 2024 The Kitchen is an important part of any home, a space where delicious meals are prepared and memories are made. However, According to recent statistics, over 100,000 people are injured in a kitchen due to […]

What Electrical Work Can Be Done Without a License

What Electrical Work Can Be Done Without a License

What Electrical Work Can Be Done Without a License Written by Total Power Energy Team  Published: December 06, 2023 When it comes to electrical work in your home, understanding the boundary between what you can do yourself and what requires a licensed professional is crucial.  Every region has its own set of rules and regulations governing […]

Industrial vs Commercial Electrician: What are the Key Differences

Industrial vs Commercial Electrician

Industrial vs Commercial Electrician: What are the Key Differences Between Written by Total Power Energy Team  Published: December 29, 2023 Electricians play a pivotal role in our daily lives, ensuring the seamless operation of electrical systems in various settings.  Among these skilled professionals, industrial electricians and commercial electricians stand out as distinct specialities.  Though they share […]

What Are the Benefits of Electrical Maintenance?

What Are the Benefits of Electrical Maintenance

What Are the Benefits of Electrical Maintenance? Written by Total Power Energy Team  Published: December 28, 2023 Did you know? Regularly checking and fixing your electrical system can make it 30% more energy efficient.  That’s right, the U.S. Department of Energy says regular electrical Maintenance can do just that.  This isn’t just about saving energy; it’s […]

How Often Should You Have an Electrical Inspection

How Often Should You Have an Electrical Inspection

How Often Should You Have an Electrical Inspection? Written by Total Power Energy Team  Published: December 12, 2023 did you know electrical problems cause an average of 51,000 house fires each year?” These fires caused around $1.5 billion in property damage.  As a homeowner, ensuring your electrical system is safe and working well is crucial. How […]

How to prevent electrical hazards in the workplace

How to prevent electrical hazards in the workplace .

How to prevent electrical hazards in the workplace Written by Total Power Energy Team Published: December 1, 2023 Imagine a regular day at work; you’re doing your usual tasks, and suddenly, there’s a power surge. Lights flicker, machines halt, and instantly, you realize the importance of electrical safety. Without proper precautions, electric hazards can lead to […]